Privacy Policy

At Saitachain LTD, also known as "Saitachain," "we," "our," or "us," the protection of your personal information is our highest concern. Our focus is on maintaining your privacy and safeguarding your Personal Data.

1. Categories of Data We Gather

The type of Personal Data we collect from you or third parties depends on the collection circumstances and the particular service or transaction. This may encompass, among other things:

  • Personal information including identifiers such as name, gender, date of birth, and various identification numbers;
  • Contact information comprising address, telephone number, and email address;
  • Technical details such as IP addresses utilized for API services and login activities;
  • Analytical data including the number of visits to the website.

This Privacy Policy details the data we gather when you engage with Saitachain products or services, unless stated otherwise. It also explains the choices you have concerning the utilization of your data.

Your choices encompass the ability to oppose specific uses of your data and the means to view and modify certain portions of your data. If you do not consent to this Policy, kindly abstain from utilizing our Site or Services. Every visit to our Site or utilization of our Services signifies agreement to the present edition of this Privacy Policy.

2. Approaches to Gathering Personal Information

We gather Personal Data through multiple avenues:

  • When you utilize our products and services;
  • When you establish an account with us;
  • Through other contractual agreements or arrangements.

Additional methods of collection may encompass (but are not limited to):

  • Correspondence via telephone, postal mail, facsimile, and electronic mail;
  • When you access our website;
  • Face-to-face interactions;
  • Data obtained from third parties and our customer support helpdesk.

3. Methods for Collecting Data on Websites

Personal Data is collected on our website through various methods:

  • IP Address: This is utilized for diagnosing server problems and maintaining the website.
  • Cookies: These are sent to your browser by websites and may be stored on your device. Cookies are used to save user preferences and session details for a personalized browsing experience. Adjust your browser settings to receive cookie notifications. Disabling cookies could impact certain site functionalities.
  • User Feedback Forms: Contact details are required to address comments and inquiries.
  • Site Tracking: Third-party providers assist in analyzing website usage, studying navigation trends, and transaction data to enhance user experience.
  • Web Server Logs: Logs of site visits are kept to manage request rates and prevent security breaches. These logs are kept for at least five days for regular maintenance purposes before being deleted.

4. Utilization of Personal Information.

Your Personal Data may be utilized for the subsequent objectives:

  • Delivering and executing our services on your behalf;
  • Guaranteeing your safety and that of others;
  • Examining and addressing your assertions and questions;
  • Advancing business, conducting statistical analysis, marketing, testing systems, and carrying out customer surveys;
  • Adhering to legal or regulatory obligations;
  • Transmitting offers, products, and services;
  • Engaging in marketing and cross-marketing with service collaborators;
  • Additional purposes related to the aforementioned.

5. Accessing and Modifying Your Personal Information

You have the right to inquire about your personal information and make updates in the following manner:

  • Customers who are registered online can modify their personal information by signing into their account.

Please note that a small fee and verification may be necessary for requests regarding information.

6. Withdrawal of Consent

The processing of your Personal Data for essential purposes is mandatory. In the absence of your consent, certain services or functionalities may be impacted. To cease receiving promotional communications, you may opt out of our mailing list, modify your account settings, or reach out to us through our feedback form.

7. Personal Data will not be traded or sold. It might be shared with third parties for the following reasons:

  • Data warehouses;
  • IT service providers;
  • Data analytics or marketing agencies;
  • Legal entities as mandated by law;
  • Regulatory authorities;
  • Safety and security personnel.
  • Additionally, Personal Data may be disclosed during corporate restructuring or asset transfers.

8. Data Retention

At Saitachain LTD, we maintain your Personal Data with trusted global hosting providers, upholding stringent security and data protection standards across various regions. We are dedicated to implement all appropriate measures to ensure that Personal Data is retained solely for the necessary duration to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, or as mandated by legal requirements.

Below is an outline of our data retention practices:

  • Data Retention Duration: Personal Data will be retained for a minimum of 24 months following the last interaction or activity involving the data subject. This duration may be extended in cases of ongoing issues, legal obligations, or other valid reasons that require extended retention.
  • Data Disposal Protocol: Inactive data, which is defined as data that has not been accessed or utilized for a period of 24 months, will follow a disposal protocol. This protocol entails the secure deletion or anonymization of the data to safeguard against unauthorized access or usage.
  • Automated Deletion Mechanisms: We utilize automated mechanisms to ensure that data is eliminated in accordance with our retention policy. These mechanisms undergo regular reviews and audits to ensure adherence to our data protection standards.
  • Secure Destruction Methods: When data is deemed unnecessary, it is either destroyed or permanently deleted using secure methods that inhibit recovery. This includes the destruction of data on physical media, which is shredded or otherwise disposed of, as well as digital data, which is erased through secure deletion protocols.
  • Backup Data Management: Data contained in backups is also governed by our retention policy. Backup data is routinely reviewed, and outdated backups are securely deleted to ensure that no obsolete or unnecessary data remains beyond its useful lifespan.

9. Links to External Websites

Our website and applications may feature links to websites managed by third parties, which are collectively termed "External Websites." Although we strive to connect only to sites that uphold our rigorous standards of privacy and security, it is essential to understand that this Privacy Policy is not applicable to these External Websites, as they operate independently of our oversight.

  • Distinct Privacy Policies: Third Party Sites maintain their own privacy policies and practices, which may vary considerably from our own. We highly recommend that you examine the privacy policies of these sites prior to submitting any Personal Data. Familiarizing yourself with their data management practices is essential for safeguarding your privacy.
  • Gathering of Personal Information: Operators of third-party websites may gather your personal data for a range of purposes, such as marketing, service delivery, and statistical evaluation. It is essential to ensure that you are at ease with their data collection and usage policies prior to interacting with these sites.
  • Security Precautions: Although we make an effort to connect with trustworthy websites, we are unable to ensure the effectiveness of their security measures. Exercise caution when visiting external sites and refrain from disclosing sensitive information unless you are certain about their security protocols.
  • Limitation of Liability: Saitachain LTD shall not be liable for the actions, policies, or compliance standards of Third Party Sites. This encompasses any incidents of data breaches, improper handling of Personal Data, or non-compliance with privacy regulations by these entities.
  • Improved User Experience: We offer links to Third Party Sites in order to enhance your user experience with access to extra resources, services, or information. Nevertheless, it is up to you to evaluate the privacy and security measures of these websites.

10. Additional details or support.

The Privacy Policy is subject to periodic amendments. For any questions, concerns, or to view, update, or modify your Personal Data, kindly reach out to us through our feedback form on the Contact Us page.



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